Dress codes at RHS and other schools around the country

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  • Students are not limited to a certain outfit or type of clothing

    Emilie Pressel
  • At RHS people can wear a lot of different kinds accessories

    Emilie Pressel
  • Everyone can have their own individual styles.

    Emilie Pressel
  • At RHS, students are not shamed because of their clothes.

    Emilie Pressel

In Oregon, there is a specified law for dress codes in public schools. Clothes may neither promote violence, drugs, or hate speech. Clothes must be opaque and not show underwear besides bra straps. Clothes can not cause a distraction from learning, unless it is some sort of spirit day, but even then it would not cause much of a distraction because the event was planned. Students can wear political attire as long as it does not cause a major distraction to others’ education.

Outside of RHS, or Oregon in general, dress codes are enforced differently throughout the country. In the 2017-18 school year, around 55% of high schools enforced a strict dress code, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Because of this, there have been protests against school dress codes. Students and some staff believe that female students should not be restricted from wearing certain clothes just because it is assumed that male students and staff will be distracted.

When interviewed about RHS’s dress code, RHS’s principal, Dr. Weber, said, “You have the right to express yourself as an individual at our school.” She made it clear that there needs to be a balance during school hours between students’ right to express themselves and receive an education.

The school does not want students to feel threatened or discriminated against because of the way they express themselves. Even if a student is wearing clothing that condones violence, drugs, or hate speech, they are not punished but are often sent to their counselor for a talk. Dr. Weber believes that punishment will not help young people learn and that students should not be pulled out of class just to tell them that they are dressed inappropriately. Compared to other schools, RHS has a laid back dress code. Students will not be shamed by staff for how much skin they show, and if they are that should be reported.

Model Student Dress Code – Oregon NOW
https://noworegon.org › issues › model-student-dress-code

How Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World

Dress Codes and Uniforms – NYRA

How dress codes criminalize males and sexualize females of color – kappanonline.org