An uncertain presidency
Dec 15, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden won the electoral college, but there was uncertainty surrounding who would be the president for the 2021 term for a few weeks past election day. With states having been called to recount and some states facing lawsuits from President Donald Trump for assumed voter fraud, many Americans were in question as to who would be inaugurated on January 21. As of this date, Donald Trump has carried on his duties as president while Joe Biden has gotten started on his campaign promises for the 2021 presidential term.
As of November 18th, Georgia has recounted their ballots and called the state for Joe Biden for a second time, but the Trump campaign called for a new recount which experts predict will not change the election results. Even if Georgia were to change the number of votes each candidate receives, Trump would still be 42 electoral votes behind Biden.
Some key states such as Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin have either been only recently called or have yet to be called for either candidate. Despite Joe Biden being the projected winner, the Trump Administration has only recently allowed the start of the transition towards a new presidency. It is still unclear whether President Trump plans to concede the election or not. Despite the uncertainty, conceding the election is more of a traditional courtesy for an incoming president, rather than something required. If the results change, and Trump gets enough votes to win the electoral college, he will stay in office for another four years. If the results show little to no change, Biden will be inaugurated on January 20.