This bond must pass: student safety and success tied to measure 10-206

Vote Yes for Roseburg Schools shares quick facts about the bond measure and how it will support student success.

On May 16, the citizens of Roseburg have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of children by voting yes on the 2023 School Bond Measure 10-206. Roseburg may be one of the smaller communities in the state of Oregon, but that does not mean we aren’t able to fight for childrens’ rights to a safe and healthy education. Hardworking students ages 5-18 attend regularly scheduled classes each day to further their education, and most people can agree that education is important for children. Society also expects our students to excel at their studies and gain knowledge and skills they can apply to their lives after high school. 

But how is it right to expect students to demonstrate outstanding academic achievement when the conditions of our schools are less than adequate? To some, especially those who are not directly tied with the Roseburg Public Schools system, the idea that schools are not providing an area to learn efficiently may come as a shock. Many people argue that the United States has one of the best educational systems in the world. But the truth is, according to America’s Promised Alliance, the United States has an overall rate that 30% of students will not graduate high school. 

The reality is that our schools require funding in order for students to learn to the best of their abilities. Many of our public schools lack basic heating and air conditioning systems, which results in extreme temperatures in many classrooms. One of the main campuses that is in need of financial support is Roseburg High School, especially because of the hazards associated with the Old Main building. Classes that were originally taught in the Old Main have been moved to temporary modulars due to structural and health concerns, including bug and rat infestations. 

Aside from that, a more significant issue has occurred district wide, and that is school safety. Many people have heard news about schools becoming the targets of violent attacks from outside intruders, but the truth is that many schools have still not reached the adequate safety protocols to prevent these devastating events from taking place. Most people in society today expect to be in a safe and stable work environment in their career, so why would the community expect children to complete their work efficiently while unstable and unsafe conditions still exist district wide? 

As conversations about the upcoming ballot measure circle throughout our community, many people may ask about where their tax money would be going and how much money it would cost them if the school bond passed. If the 2023 School Bond Measure passes, then it will raise about $75.51 million for proposed projects. Additionally, Roseburg Public Schools would receive about $5.8 million in matching grants from the state of Oregon. For taxpayers, the Bond would cost about $0.99 per $1,000 of assessed property value. This means that an owner of a house that has an assessed value of $250,000 would expect to pay about $20.60 per month or $247.50 per year. 

As far as how the money will be used, the two main concerns are making schools more secure district-wide and rebuilding the Old Main at Roseburg High School. Some of the new security measures include a district-wide controlled access system, protective window film, and completed camera installation. Another key security feature is installing a system that provides the school with a single button that can lock down the entire school in cases of emergency. 

Furthermore, schools will also be building a fenced perimeter around athletic areas at secondary schools. Aside from these improvements, schools would also be taking necessary steps to insure the health and safety of students in our community. Air quality, roofing, plumbing, and electrical facilities are included in the improvements. Fire alarm protection and asbestos removal (cancer-causing minerals found in older buildings) are also included. 

Although many would agree that there are changes that need to be made in Roseburg’s education system, some may question why the state government isn’t able to provide the necessary funding for these improvements. However, one important thing to consider is that because school funding has changed, any government funding is only permitted to be used for direct learning instruction and not able to be spent on projects proposed in this year’s 2023 Roseburg Public Schools Bond Measure. This is why schools are required to rely on funding from the community in order to continue to operate, and it is why this bond may be crucial in determining the state of Roseburg’s education system. 

If this bond passes, then a group of overseers will be formed to regulate finances for the school district. For those who may wonder about the legitimacy of the school district’s budgeting, Cheryl Northam, Director of Finance & Operations for Roseburg Public Schools, shares, “Roseburg School District repeatedly earns high marks for our stewardship of public funds during independent, required audits that take place every year.” 

Many people in the community may also feel like our school district is wasting money on unnecessary expenses. In response to this, Superintendent Jared Cordon states, “We have worked to be as transparent as possible about the proposed bond and the projects that would be completed district-wide if the bond is passed. I encourage anyone with questions to visit our website,, for more information. Community members will find information about proposed projects, a calculator to estimate the tax, and a way to ask questions.”