Green Team

The RHS Community Garden Map

This is where the garden is going to be located starting in the next school year.

Green Team’s Upcoming Community Garden
The upcoming school garden has been planned out by eight students and teacher Devin Bowen. A school garden is always a nice touch whether that be for the community or aesthetics. It will be a good hands-on activity for students, providing opportunity for leadership and agricultural skill development. The regular meetings are after school on Fridays until 3:30 pm in room M-206.
There are a lot of challenges that come with planning and creating a garden. Someone has to find out what works and what gets in the way of growth. Green team member, Eva McMillan says that “It takes a lot of passionate and involved people to make a successful school garden. You really need plenty of selfless people that are ready to step in and help.” She was one of the first members, supporting the club from the beginning. “I helped start the Green Team. Dominic originally brought up the idea, and I kind of just helped him brainstorm. I thought it would be a great project to get involved with, you don’t really see a lot of environmental initiatives around Roseburg,”
Senior Jonah Hibbert explains that “Green Team is an environmental club.” They plan on starting off small with a few plants, vegetable beds, and fruit trees. The Green Team is currently in its fundraising stage and expects to start construction next year. All students are welcome and encouraged to come.