Wolf Creek Falls


Hayden Parsons

Walking along, hearing the water falling loudly and the breeze rustling through the leaves.

Wolf Creek Falls is a great hiking place a ways out of town; it is a great place for someone who wants to get out of town for a few hours to just be alone or get their thoughts straight. It is also for those who want to go with a group of friends to hang out for some time out of the house. Even though it is fall–and almost winter–it is still nice walking around in all the fog and light mist, with that fall mist hitting your face. Just the calm cold breeze is enjoyable.

If anyone does go out there alone, please be careful right now, especially if you are a woman. There are a lot of incidents happening, such as girls being followed by men, or people coming back to their cars to find their windows broken or tires popped. It is highly recommended that people go with one or a few people and bring something to keep everyone safe.

Going up there was so nice! Seeing how there is not a single tree burnt in the fires that occurred over the last few summers, it’s so pretty, and we couldn’t have been any luckier to have this golden spot still thriving in our Umqua woods. When I was walking the trail, it was raining, and raining hard. But surprisingly, with all the trees covering the entire trail, I didn’t get soaking wet. It was quite nice, for sure. With a slight uphill climb at the beginning, to steep uphill and downhill slopes near the end, this is the perfect hike for any time of the year.